Terraria 13 Multiplayer Mods Art 1 Terraria 13 Multiplayer Mods Part 1
Download v1.ii.3 (28.9 KB)
Adds special properties to yoyos to make them more fun to play with. Adds brand new Thou Principal Ninja Gear Accessory and new means to obtain hard to go yoyos.
Some Examples are Crimson'southward Yoyo now shoots Expiry Sickle's Projectiles and The Centre of Cthulhu Shoots small-scale homing Eye of Cthulhus.
Be sure tro endeavour it out before the terminal update.
1.two.3 REBALANCED - Final update before Journeys cease Relish
1.1.0 Adapted behavior and balanced stats for Cascade, Yelets & Hel-Fire
1.0.2 Changed Sprites for the EOC yoyo and Valor yoyo.
Localizer Package 2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.five Edit | Delete Yoyos+ Mod
Download v1.5.6.3 (182.three KB)
Yoyos+ Modernistic adds new yoyos to the game with better harm or dissimilar abilities.
The homepage is the discord holding all the extra data y'all might demand.
It also contains all past updates.
22 New Yoyos,
1 New Fishing Crate,
1 New NPC.
This mod was created by:
Hogsmoss: Main Dev (First and original)
(Newest Update)
v1.v.half dozen.3
+Added Fragment Yoyo...
*Updated Sky Defender and Heaven Guardian Sprites
*Made it so lunar yoyos are crafted at the Ancient Manipulator.
*Hopefully stock-still the issue with The End
^Possible other changes...
(Last Update)
*Fixed the Yoyo Crate, for some reason all the lawmaking was missing but ok. Also updated it, volition add a fishing based yoyo later.
*Added Atomic number 26 and Lead yoyo to NPC
Tell me if you want annihilation added to the crate or npc, was sort of rushed merely...
Localizer Package two years agone tModLoader v0.xi.5 Edit | Delete Amend Yoyos
Download v0.ii (4.two KB)
Take yous e'er been excited to practice a yoyo run, only to find that well-nigh all vanilla yoyos are the aforementioned? Well this mod makes a bunch of vanilla yoyos have interesting effects.
Current affected ones:
Centre of Cthulu
Lawmaking i
Code 2
Localizer Bundle 4 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.ane Edit | Delete More Yoyos
More Yoyos is a mod that adds 16 new yoyos, all being based off the ores in pre hardmode and hardmode, except for 1, a throwable torch. I thought 20 yoyos weren't enough, and now we have 36!
Added icon and Shroomite Yoyo
Stock-still Icon
Added "Fireball", a yoyo like a thrown torch that does no damage or knockback. Also updated all recipes from Cobwebs to White String
Localizer Bundle 3 years ago tModLoader v0.x.1.5 Edit | Delete Yoyos Expanded
Yoyos Expanded adds 25 new (high quality ;) ) yoyos into the game to fit within the vanilla progression.
If you have any tips on how I can make the mod better, please comment them on the modernistic's homepage!
Version one.iii.7.3
Finalized all yoyo sprites and completely resprited the Devil's Advocate.
Version 1.iii.vii.2
Added move blur (similar the Kraken) to some of the yoyos and also inverse their sizes.
Version one.three.vii.ane
Tweaked a couple yoyo sprites and completely resprited the true yoyos.
Version 1.3.7
Resprited all yoyos and their projectiles (again)!
Version i.iii.half dozen.1
Fixed clarification error
Version 1.3.half-dozen
Adds new yoyo - Try killing some cerise devils -- Besides tweaked Truthful Hallowed Yoyo'due south sprite
Version 1.3.five.ii
Buffed the Solar yoyo
Version i.3.5.1
Resprited the newest yoyo
Version one.3.5
Adds new yoyo - Effort killing some harpies
Version 1.3.4
Adds new yoyo - Try crafting information technology with some meteorite bars
Version 1.3.3
Stock-still True Night's Throw projectile
Version ane.3.2
Adds new yoyo - Try killing the twins a few times
Version 1.3.1
Resprited both Truthful yoyos
Version ane.3.0
Fabricated both True yoyos and the Terra Throw shoot out particles
Version 1.2.9
New yoyo! - Endeavour crafting it with some solar fragments
Version 1.ii.eight
The fourth Art Update? - I lied. Touched up all sprites.
Version 1.ii.7
Stock-still some reforging issues
Version one.two.6
Besides also the Fine art Update! - Redrew all yoyos and their projectiles - this should be the last art update
Version ane.ii.5
Also the Fine art Update! - Tweaked all yoyo sprites and changed icon
Version i.2.four
Changed Hellfire's proper noun to Hell's Swing to distinguish it from the Hel-Fire
Version one.2.3
The Art Update! - Added new sprites for most yoyos
Version i.2.two
Adjusted some yoyos' stats
Version i.2.one
Description inverse
Version 1.two
Added homepage
Version one.ane:
Fixed wrong recipe for platinum yoyo
Version one.0:
Finalized icon
Localizer Parcel one year agone tModLoader v0.11.viii.i Edit | Delete Calamity Yoyo Bag Buffed
*This modernistic is nevertheless incomplete. Dynamic yoyo ranges are a piece of work in progress. Multiplayer compatibilty is still being tested. Balancing is also being tested and tweaked.*
Calamity Yoyo Bag Buffed is a mod that strengthens the furnishings of the yoyo bag for the Calamity Mod then that yoyo users are not forced to rely on other weapon types to progress in sure more-difficult sections of the game. This mod creates four new yoyo bags meant to be crafted post-Moonlord. Use the Guide NPC to assist with crafting recipes.
Recent Changelog:
v0.3.0 = Implemented a small work-around for increasing yoyo range, buffed the final yoyo handbag upgrade with a custom counterweight, added custom sprites!
v0.3.1 = Attempt at making mod icon upload to Mod Browser
v0.three.v = Finally achieved a truthful yoyo range extension, albeit a static one. Dynamic yoyo ranges are yet a work in progress, withal.
v0.iii.6 = Updated for compatibility with tModLoader v0.xi.5
v0.3.7 = ModBrowser crash re-upload
*Cataclysm Modern spoilers below*
*Cataclysm Modernistic spoilers below*
*Calamity Mod spoilers beneath*
*Calamity Mod spoilers beneath*
I can be crafted immediately post-Moonlord.
One tin be crafted mail-Providence.
One can exist crafted post-Devourer.
1 can exist crafted post-Yharon.
Localizer Packet 2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete Ridiculously Many Yoyos
Mello and Uno Reverse Ca…
Localizer Parcel one yr ago tModLoader v0.11.eight Edit | Delete YoyoAttackSpeedWorkaround
Yo-yo break when assault speed exceeds a certain value. This mod attempts to limits assault speed to 200% while a yo-yo is equipped to prevent the effect. Fixes near, only not all, yo-yos including many modernistic weapons.
Shares a homepage with my main modern.
* icon
* Github integration
* tModLoader v0.10.one.iv
* tModLoader v0.10.1.3
* tModLoader v0.10.ane
* fixed crafting bug that was affecting other mods (introduced in v1.0.1)
* tModLoader v0.ten.0.1
* initial upload
Localizer Package 3 years ago tModLoader v0.10.i.4 Edit | Delete Ty'south Yoyo Redux
~Ty'due south Yoyo Redux~
Ty's Yoyo Redux is a small modernistic fabricated to expand on the vanilla yoyo experience. Information technology is a general support and content modernistic made to better yoyos, this includes:
- Giving unique effects to all the vanilla yoyos (except the terrarian and wooden yoyo) such every bit The Rally at present leaving damaging afterimages, The Chik now randomly sprays crystal shards and The Kraken lashing out with damaging tentacles in all directions when it hits an enemy.
- New yoyos at various points in progression to assistance smooth progression and add options such every bit The Asteroid which is a fireball launching meteorite themed yoyo, The Virtuoso a yoyo with devastating crits and The Extraterrestrial Taser a yoyo obtainable from the martian madness that electrocutes enemies with lingering energy balls.
- New progression advisable recipies for certain yoyos to brand them easier to obtain in a normal playthrough.
- New yoyo specific acessories to give more than options and diverseness to a yoyo playthrough.
In addition, all of these features can be enabled or disabled via the internal config to fit the mod to your liking.
- xviii Effects for vanilla yoyos and descriptions for those yoyos.
- 14 New Custom Yoyos.
- five New Custom Accessories.
- 3 Recipies for vanilla yoyos.
Visit the forums page for a much more indepth description of all changes and additions this mod adds.
v1.0 - Release.
v1.1 - Mod linked to github & added logo.
v1.two - Updated Logo. Added configs for diverse mod features. Added dominate checklist support for all applicable yoyos. Pocket-size bug/balance fixes.
v1.three - Updated Logo. Tooltip formatting changes (this should make the tooltips function correctly in store interfaces and when other mods also give them tooltips). Small-scale bug/balance changes.
Planned changes:
- Modify Code one and Code 2's auras from dust to an animated sprite.
- Update to tmodloader 1.4 whenever that happens.
- A terminal "Zenith tier" yoyo, called "Andromeda". (For 1.4)
- An empress of light yoyo, chosen "Spectrum". (For 1.4)
Localizer Parcel 11 months ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete Zenith Yoyo
Download v0.one (12.seven KB)
The Zeniyo, this is mostly a meme item based around the fact anybody is making Zenith items, if this can become popular i might consider making an actual serious version.
Localizer Package ten months ago tModLoader v0.11.8.four Edit | Delete ProYMod: Lot of yoyo
Download v1.3.one (98.9 KB)
ProYMod v1.three.1
This mod adds:
- 16 Items
- i Tiles
- ii Buff
- 1 mount
There will be frequent updates.
+ Desert Yoyo
+ New Sprites
- 1 Item
Home page: https://github.com/HappyJoyMods/ProYMod/releases
Localizer Parcel three years ago tModLoader v0.ten.ane.v Edit | Delete Justice for yoyos!
If anyone wanted to apply yoyos like its a course this is a yoyo mod
Alert: Its unfinished and doesnt have many yoyos
-Stuff for yoyos
And thats information technology but hope for more because this isnt enough for yoyos is it
If you actually think its worth supporting me, there is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWGdL4zXU_8iAKq_GaKcPdg
But no, dont watch the videos yous wont understand them and you will get the cringe
Localizer Package 2 months ago tModLoader v0.xi.viii.half dozen Edit | Delete Universe of Yoyos
Download v0.57 (42.8 KB)
Universe of Yoyos is a modern that expands the amount of yoyos in the game.
Localizer Package one twelvemonth ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete Ameliorate yoyo Handbag
Download v1.0 (seven.2 KB)
Yoyo purse allows Yoyo'southward to go through blocks
Localizer Package one year ago tModLoader v0.11.7.two Edit | Delete 1 Drop Yoyo Mod
Download v0.3 (29 KB)
One Drop Yoyo Mod is a mod, where every single One-Drib Yoyo is in the game.
Download v0.i (3.6 KB)
PickleYoYo is a pretty cool modern, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your modern.
Localizer Package 3 years agone tModLoader v0.10.i.5 Edit | Delete Refined Yoyos
Combine multiple items of the same yoyo to craft a stronger, refined version of that yoyo!
v0.ii: Small balances
v0.3: Small balances
v0.4: Minor balances
Localizer Bundle four months ago tModLoader v0.xi.8.five Edit | Delete Op yoyo: Origin Buster
Strong yoyo.
So strong.
Simply a fun item to mess around.
Also it has a kinda pretty upshot wouldn't yous agree?
(Has a unsafe reaction to target dummies, brand certain to keep a backup of your world.)
Creator and spriter of this mod: Xynq
(discord: Xyиq#4812)
-- version 0.8.ane --
- Changed item name color
-- version 0.8 --
- Thanks for showcasing my mod Gameraider101!
Localizer Package 10 months agone tModLoader v0.11.8.iv Edit | Delete Verde's Yoyos
Download v3.ii.ane (120.1 KB)
A mid-sized mod that currently adds 30 yoyos, strings, and other items. Note that this is all the same a piece of work in progress. I will be adding, changing, and fixing things as time goes on.
Fractional Changelog (full changelog in homepage link):
+Added 2 yoyos.
Trawler damage decreased from 13 to 12.
Jungle, Shadow, Red strings - recipes edited.
Crimson, Shadow, Jungle, Dearest strings - effects edited.
Enchanted Yoyo now craftable with whatever wood yoyo.
Minour edits and additions.
+Added Enchanted Yoyo
Sanguine, Cactus Yoyo, Centre of the Sea, Heatwave - damage edited.
Sanguine can now steal life.
Heart of the Sea crafting recipe edited.
Cherry Arrows can now steal life, are craftable past 25 instead of 15.
Earthbound Yoyo can now spawn electrospheres.
+Added ix yoyos.
Fixed harm values of 7 yoyos.
Cactus and Boreal yoyo crafting recipes tweaked.
Since Journeying's End comes out tommorrow at the time of writing this, I'm balancing for Journey'due south Cease pre-emptively but didn't want to mess with the existing balance, hence why I haven't updated in a while.
Diverse sprite edits.
Moulder sprite'southward ooze tweaked to fix resemblance problems.
Tweaked damage values of five yoyos.
Fixed various minour errors such as the occasional missing letter.
+Added yellow dev prepare.
+Added Red Arrows.
Sanguine consequence properly implemented.
Pollinator bee damage increased from 9 to 18. No effect from Hive Pack.
Moulder tweaked.
Heatwave, Shadowflame, Stickler, and Pollinator effect chances increased.
+Added i yoyo.
+Added strings. Act as vanilla strings plus status effects. Made at loom.
Sanguine damage increased from 39 to forty.
Moulder impairment increased from 36 to 37.
+Added 2 dev sets.
Overhauls to crafting recipes, sprites, and drop rates.
+Added 2 dev sets.
Added Nighttime Shard to Sanguine and Moulder recipes.
Minour sprite edits of three yoyos.
Sanguine impairment increased from 38 to 39.
Moulder damage increased from 33 to 36.
The Weaver drop chance tripled.
+Added 2 yoyos.
Stickler now properly drops from Male monarch Slime.
Shadowflame Yoyo now mutually excludes itself from other Goblin Summoner drops.
+Added seven yoyos.
Riptide damage reduced from 53 to 51.
Shadowflame Yoyo damage increased from 38 to 46.
Snowfall Ball harm increased from xi to 12.
Official release.
zach/Yhellow - testing, ideas (Riptide, Cactus yoyo, Shadowflame yoyo)
andog/tacticalrake - testing, ideas (dev yoyos)
DonMacaroni - lawmaking questions, ideas (Keepsake yoyos)
mario/SmileAtTheSour - ideas (dev sets)
Wistand/RogaBear - ideas (Weaver)
Koopafan75 - code questions
Localizer Bundle one twelvemonth ago tModLoader v0.11.7.v Edit | Delete Fossil Yoyo
Download v0.three (19 KB)
This mod adds a new yoyo made out of fossils, that can exist a melee or throwing weapon, called the Os Spinner.
Localizer Package one year ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Source: https://mirror.sgkoi.dev/?page=1&filter=yoyo
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