Where Can I Get a Key for the Timer Box in My Commercial Whirlpool Dryer?

This is the most common symptom we hear on all brands of dryers. One of the appliance parts most of us suspect first is the heating element (see common Whirlpool elements below), but there are several other appliance parts on the dryer and one item that is not on the dryer that can produce the same symptom. You will save time, energy, and money if you will take a few moments to prove exactly which part is bad before purchasing a replacement part.

Dryer-Heating-Element-NA-4391960 Dryer-Heating-Element-NA-3387747 Dryer-Heating-Element-NA-279838

The one appliance part that is not on the dryer is a blown circuit breaker (located in your home's main circuit breaker box). The dryer will turn if it is getting 110 volts, but it must be receiving 220 volts to heat.  Many dryer circuits have two circuit breakers installed to power the dryer. A lightning strike nearby or power surge can cause one breaker to blow and not the other. Resetting the circuit breaker fixes the dryer and you did not even get your hands dirty. A blown circuit breaker happens often enough to make it the first item we recommend checking when a dryer turns but does not heat. It is always fun to get an easy fix.

The next appliance part to check is the heating element, because it is easy to prove if it is good or bad with a visual inspection. Whirlpool usually locates the heating element on the back of dryer (must remove back of dryer) or under the drum (must remove front dryer). Be certain to disconnect power from dryer. Heating element coils look like stretched out door springs. A bad dryer heating element will have a break in the coil. The dryer element is good if no break is detected. A close inspection is required as some breaks tend to hide among the coils. You can use a multi-meter and check the continuity of the element. "No continuity" indicates a bad heating element. Continuity, however, still requires a visual inspection as broken coils may still touch when cool.

Dryer-Fuse-NA-3392519 Dryer-Fuse-NA-3390719

Having proven that the circuit breaker is not blown and the heating element coil is not broken, it is time to look at the fuses and thermostats on the dryer. I have included pictures of the common thermostats and fuses. These are located on the heating element and on the blower housing. Call U-FIX-IT with your model number for the exact location of these parts on your dryer. Use a multi-meter to test the fuses and thermostats for continuity after removing the wires, or you can bring them into U-FIX-IT and we will test them for you, free.

Dryer-High-Limit-NA-N3977767 Dryer-High-Limit-Kit-NA-279769

Order a new: Heating Element, Dryer Fuse, Dryer Thermostat

See related videos here. Whirlpool makes dryers for Kenmore, Sears, Estate, Roper, and KitchenAid.

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More From Jim Plummer

Jim is an ex-Air Force pilot and a business school graduate of University of Texas at Austin. He has been in the appliance parts business since 1975.

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Where Can I Get a Key for the Timer Box in My Commercial Whirlpool Dryer?

Source: https://www.ufixit.com/diy-tips/whirlpool-dryer-not-heating/

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