How to Do a Water Change Tropical Fish Tank

How to Do a Water Change Tropical Fish Tank

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Regular water changes are a critical part of freshwater aquarium maintenance. Switching out part of your tank's water allows you to more closely control the level of debris and toxins.[1] To do a water change, you will need to get the fresh water ready and siphon out the dirty water. You can also take this opportunity to clean up your gravel and remove algae from the tank's walls. Gently adding the water back in makes the process seamless for your fish and can create a sparkling tank.

  1. 1

    Pretreat a bucket of tap water. Get out a clean bucket and fill it with water directly from the faucet. Follow the instructions on your water conditioner bottle and pre-treat the water prior to cleaning. The conditioner will make the water safe for your fish by removing dangerous chemicals and metal residue.

    • Go ahead and keep two plastic buckets, specifically for your aquarium use. You may even want to write "fish" on the side.[2]
    • Some people prefer to refill their tank using water directly from the tap. This may be more convenient; however, you do risk exposing your fish to hazardous chemicals in the water. To lessen this possibility, let the tap run for 5 minutes or so before filling the bucket.[3]
  2. 2

    Unplug the tank's lighting and heating elements. Since you will be working with water around the exterior of the tank, it is best to minimize the presence of electricity. Go ahead and disconnect the tank lid and any attached lighting. Reach into the tank and unplug any exposed heating elements.

  3. 3

    Unplug and clean the filter. Many filters don't do well without full water coverage, so it is a good idea to disconnect your filter as you start the cleaning process. Make sure your filter media is in a container of tank water while it is unplugged. If it dries up, it will lose the beneficial bacteria that you need for healthy fish.

    • You do not need to replace your filter cartridge, sponge, or other media every time you clean the tank. If Instead, look at it, see how it is holding up, and then rinse it off in a bowl of old tank water. Rinsing it in straight tap water will kill all of the beneficial bacteria and harm your fish. You would also need to cycle your tank all over again. Only replace filter media if falling apart. You should never have to replace it, and by doing so you are killing all of your beneficial bacteria as well that is keeping your cycled tank stable.
  4. 4

    Remove any dirty artificial decorations and plants. It is also not necessary to clean your tank accessories as a part of every water change. Doing so can disrupt the good bacteria in your tank too. However, if the artificial items in your tank seem overly slimy or sludgy looking, then you'll want to gently remove them to a bucket and allow them to soak in a plant cleaning solution.[4]

    • NEVER wash your plants, tank, and décor in soap. The chemical residue can be harmful to your fish, and it can also cause an outburst of algae in your tank.
  5. 5

    Scrub the walls of the tank. Every time that you do a water change take a quick look at your tank and see if it needs a scrub. Look for green or brown film on the sides of the tank. While the tank is still full, use an algae sponge, toothbrush or scraper to rub the tank's side and remove the residue.[5]

    • Adding lanthanum chloride to your tank can eliminate algae-causing phosphates. This is because lanthanum chloride turns phosphates into an insoluble compound, creating a cloudy substance in your water, which you can then easily filter out.[6]
  1. 1

    Use an automatic water changer. This is the most efficient, and often preferred, way of performing a partial water change, especially in larger tanks. Attach the device directly to your faucet and then insert one of the connected hoses and siphon attachments into your tank. The device will automatically suck out water for you, until you switch it off. Then, flip the switch again and insert the faucet hose to refill the tank.[7]

    • This method is especially useful for those people unable to haul multiple buckets of water around in order to perform regular cleanings. It also minimizes the potential to create a watery mess.
    • Just make sure that the new water that you are adding is close to the original temperature of the tank. Check this before starting the automatic suctioning process.[8]
  2. 2

    Siphon out any substrate debris with a gravel siphon. If you don't have an all-in-one system, then you will need to perform the water switch by hand. Start by placing the tube end of your siphon into a bucket. Then, place the siphon tip into the tank's substrate, usually gravel or sand. Repeatedly insert the siphon deep into the sand at an angle, drawing out both debris and tank water.

    • Don't feel as if you have to perfectly clean all of the gravel during each change.
  3. 3

    Suck out water from the tank. As you move your siphon around, you will notice that your bucket begins to fill with dirty gravel and murky tank water, this is perfectly normal and what you want. However, don't take it too far. Use your siphon to remove a maximum of 75% of the tank's water. Going beyond this can irreparably alter your tank's chemistry.[9]

    • For example, if you have a 10 gallon tank, it is a good idea to use a 5 gallon bucket for water changes. Then, when the bucket is full, you know that you've removed the right amount of water.[10]
  4. 4

    Take a detailed look at your tank's interior. Now that your tank is less full, spend a bit of time checking out the status of your tank from an inside view. If you don't fully remove your decorations, then perhaps pick them up and look them over for any damage. Check to make sure that all of your heating and filtration systems seem okay in structure.[11]

  5. 5

    Note the temperature of the remaining water. If you have a tank-side thermometer, make a quick note of the temperature of the water post-drain. Otherwise, it is a good idea to dip a thermometer into the water to get a reading. Then, test the temperature of the clean, treated water that you will add to the tank in a bit. Make sure that the two temperatures match. If not, you may need to give it a some more time before completing the change.[12]

  6. 6

    Re-fill the tank with pretreated water. At this point, you will want to move the pretreated water from the bucket into the tank. You can do this by pouring the water into a pitcher and then emptying the pitcher into the tank. Or, you can hold the bucket with both hands and empty it directly into the tank.

    • Whichever method you choose, just make sure that the water doesn't rush in super-fast and disturb the gravel and your decorations. Some people like to use their hand, or a plate, to lessen the direct flow of the water into the tank.
  7. 7

    Replace all decorations and plants. If you've taken out any of your artificial decorations, you can add them back in either immediately before, or directly after, refilling the tank. You can use this as an opportunity to move items around, or to leave items out entirely for a new look.

  8. 8

    Reconnect the filtration system, heater, and light. All of the functioning systems that you unplugged at the start of this process now need to be hooked up again. Make sure your hands are dry and carefully reinstall and restart all of these items. Some types of filers, such as the hang-on ones, will need 1-2 cups of water directly fed into the system before they will start working.[13]

  9. 9

    Rinse off and store your equipment. Create a designated area where you keep all of your tank cleaning supplies. You will want to allow your buckets, scrubbers, and siphon to air dry before storing. Keeping up with regular storage procedures may keep you from having to buy replacements.

  1. 1

    Schedule weekly partial water changes. It is a good idea to complete a weekly, or bi-weekly, water change on a consistent basis.[14] Again, you will not remove all of the water each time, only 25-30%. If you see the need, you can also do a deep cleaning of your tank on a monthly basis.[15]

    • You must balance out a desire to keep your tank clean with the health of your fish. Too frequent, or too few, cleanings can adversely impact their health.
  2. 2

    "Reset" your tank with water changes. Performing partial changes is also an excellent way to re-establish stability in your tank after an unusual event, such as a re-scaping or a chemical overdose. Don't be afraid to do an unscheduled water change in these cases as the reward is worth it.[16]

  3. 3

    Limit your light usage. If you run your aquarium lights all day and every day, you will likely see a quick, aggressive accumulation of algae and debris. This is because the light is helping the algae to feed off of your tank. Instead, try keeping your lights on for 8-10 hours for tanks with live plants or 6-8 hours otherwise.[17]

  4. 4

    Avoid overfeeding. Much of the debris that you siphon out of the gravel will be leftover food.[18] To avoid this issue, resist the desire to overfeed and instead stick with a once or twice daily schedule. And, adjust your feeding practices depending on how well your fish eat what is offered.[19]

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  • Question

    Can a water change kill my fish?

    Doug Ludemann

    Doug Ludemann is the owner and operator of Fish Geeks, LLC, an aquarium services company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Doug has worked in the aquarium and fish-care industry for over 20 years, including having worked as a professional aquarist for the Minnesota Zoo and Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. He received his Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Minnesota.

    Doug Ludemann

    Professional Aquarist

    Expert Answer

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    If you don't do it gradually and follow the right steps, yes, it can be dangerous for your fish. Water temperature fluctuations can make fish more susceptible to illness. Make sure to take the tank's temperature and pH again after you've added in the freshwater.

  • Question

    Will changing the water help reduce excess algae in my aquarium?

    Doug Ludemann

    Doug Ludemann is the owner and operator of Fish Geeks, LLC, an aquarium services company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Doug has worked in the aquarium and fish-care industry for over 20 years, including having worked as a professional aquarist for the Minnesota Zoo and Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. He received his Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Minnesota.

    Doug Ludemann

    Professional Aquarist

    Expert Answer

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    Algae is the result of light and nutrients in the water, so the key to reducing algae is exporting nutrients. In most situations, changing the water will be the cheapest and the easiest way to do this.

  • Question

    Will boiling tap water remove chlorine quicker than just letting the water sit out?


    No. Not all chlorine evaporates by itself, and chloramines and heavy metals do not evaporate, so get a water conditioner.

  • Question

    Do the fish stay in the tank during cleaning?

    Community Answer

    They can. Just use a siphon, and this will prevent removal of the fish during cleaning which could otherwise stress them out further.

  • Question

    Can I put my fish in a bowl, clean all the rocks and artificial plants, and then put in fresh water?

    Community Answer

    Unless your fish is sick, you shouldn't do a complete water change like that. You need the beneficial bacteria, and if you do a complete water change and wash all the plants and gravel, you will be washing away all that good bacteria. You need to buy a bacteria starter and some water conditioner so your fish won't die due to tap water chemicals or lack of benefitial bacteria in the water.

  • Question

    Is there a way to test the water levels without a kit?


    Not really, unless you're looking for signs of sickness in your fish, which means it's too late. Some pet stores offer free tests though, so look out for this.

  • Question

    How hot should a tropical fish tank be in spring?

    Community Answer

    Your tank temperature should remain constant throughout the year. Use a heater to ensure it will. As for the exact temperature, that depends on the species. For example, betas prefer a range of 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Question

    What pH and ammonia levels does my freshwater aquarium require?

    Community Answer

    pH depends on the species of fish and plants that you are keeping, and ammonia should be at 0. Any higher than this and harm to your fish can occur.

  • Question

    How do you just add new water to a tank without doing a complete water change?

    Community Answer

    You can simply take out an amount you'd like and replace it; there's no harm in smaller water changes. You should always take out some water before adding more, even if it has evaporated away. Taking at least 5-10% out every few days is a good way to keep good water.

  • Question

    The water in my aquarium is cloudy even after I changed it. Will it clear up on eventually or do I need to take action?

    Charlie Bray

    Charlie Bray

    Community Answer

    It could be the substrate and fish waste thats been stirred up during a water change. If the water doesn't clear in a few hours, then check your water parameters, and especially test for ammonia. Some fish and fish supply stores also do this testing for free.

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  • You can recycle your dirty tank water by using it to water plants.

  • Some people find it helpful to keep a regular maintenance log where you can write down the days and percentages of water changes and any other tank observations that you deem to be important.[20]

  • You will get faster and faster at tank changes as you gain experience. You can often clean even the largest tanks in under one hour with a bit of practice.[21]

  • If you overstock your tank you will create a need for additional cleanings and can put your fish at risk to illnesses and even death by having an overstocked tank.[22]

Things You'll Need

  • 2-3 plastic buckets (2.5 gallons or 10 liters each)
  • access to spigot
  • automatic water changer (optional)
  • algae scrubber
  • water conditioner/de-chlorinator
  • gravel siphon
  • filter cartridges or replacement media (if absolutely needed)
  • paper towels (optional)
  • chopsticks (optional)
  • water pitcher or plate (optional)

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Article SummaryX

Before you perform a water change in your fresh water aquarium, prepare a bucket of treated water to replace the water you're about to remove. Next, use a gravel siphon and a bucket to get rid of any debris from the tank's substrate. Once the siphon has sucked out about 30 percent of the water, stop and check the inside of your tank for any damage. If there's no damage, take the temperature of your tank's remaining water, then make sure your pre-treated water is roughly the same temperature before adding it to your tank. To learn how often you should carry out a water change, read on!

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